Angela Telford - AoR, MPRA Central London Mobile Reflexology 

Maternity Reflexology


Reflexology is safe to have in all stages of Pre-conception and Pregnancy. Call Angela on 07766 495169 to discuss your treatment.

"Angela's treatments work and they kept me balanced both physically and emotionally during and after my pregnancies" Britta Jacobson

Maternity Reflexology. baby


It is well known that anxiety during the pre-conception stage is one of the greatest barriers to conception. High levels of stress hormones such as adrenaline conflict with the production of the hormones needed for conception.
Reflexology during this time is recommended for both you and your partner to relax, lowering your stress levels and aiding natural conception.
We can also chat about what you can both do to reach optimum wellbeing during this time.


Assisted conception (IVF, IUI,etc.)

This is a time of heightened anxiety, often with the added difficulties of mood swings etc. due to hormone injections. As with a natural conception the more relaxed and at ease with yourself you are, the greater the chances of a successful outcome. Your reflexology treatments will be adapted slightly to focus purely on relaxation, mental and physical.

During Your Pregnancy

Reflexology is one of the most popular therapies for mothers to be and as one of London's most experienced mobile reflexologists I have treated hundreds of pregnant women.
Whilst pregnant it is especially beneficial to have your treatment at home. It reserves your energy at a time when you need it most and avoids the stress of getting to & from a clinic. Reflexology can help you to de-stress & re-energise whether you are looking for a well deserved rest, feeling anxious about your pregnancy or you have more specific health issues.


Reflexology & Labour


Reflexology has a reputation for helping to induce labour in women who have reached their due date. While reflexologists can't promise to do this, reflexology can help the mother feel relaxed and ready both mentally and physically for the forthcoming labour and birth.



Reflexology after the birth can help you recover from the exhaustion of the labour and support you as you adjust to your new family. Being relaxed & at ease with your baby will help you to breast feed and allow your hormones to return to their normal pre-natal condition



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